Why Is It Harder to Lose Weight in Winter?

Why Is It Harder to Lose Weight in Winter?

The sun no longer welcomes you in the morning and leaves you in darkness early in the evening. Here comes the winter making it a whole lot more challenging to get out and be active.

The temperature outside makes you inclined to be at home. Who loves to leave the home when it's so warm and comfy? It's the season when doing even essentials seems pretty burdensome let alone hitting the gym.

Do I need to reiterate the first reason why it's harder to lose weight in winter? Yes, of course, the urge to stay at home.

What are the other reasons, let's find out further in this article.

Resisting the temptation

Hot chocolate, cream laden soups, and those cheesy pastas look like a bait. Who will not fall for these baits? Once you are caught in it, isn't it obvious that the weighing scale will shoot up?

Until you don't make up your mind that these temptations are okay to fall for once in a while, your guilt pang will trigger the stress response after relishing those treats. Stress will only make your position worse. One who makes the right food choices wins.

Avoiding raw veggies

Winters make you choose hot coffee over raw veggies. Raw veggies look appealing in summer, but not so in winter. Even when you are famished, you are likely to opt for creamy soup rather than lettuce and kale.

If you are not a fan of raw veggies during winter, pick roasted and steamed veggies as a healthier option.

Salty fact

More you have packaged food; more you consume salt than needed. You tend to have more of canned veggies, soups, bread, and chips in winter. Processed food are sneaky source of salt. They have tendency to retain water in your body. So, to get rid of that water weight keep your plate full with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Seasonal Affect

The lack of sunlight during winter affects mood and overall well-being. Seasonal affective disorder is a psychological affect due to change in season. Sleepiness, sugar craving, lethargy and weight gain are some of the symptoms of SAD.


Unlike summer, you don't feel thirsty more often during winter. Lack of enough water in the body leads to dehydration and this in turn results in body slowing down the fat burning process. So, stay hydrated to speed up the weight losing process.

Shorter Days

Shorter days means more of nights. Sleep hormones, melatonin, are most active during winter. Lack of sunlight is no way good for your hormones and also causes vitamin D deficiency. All of these making it harder for you to lose weight.

What you need to do to lose weight in winter

The Diet

To keep digestive fire strong, avoid food that are too oily and hard to digest. Heavy food choices along with sedentary lifestyle slacks digestion. In place of opting for fried and calorie-rich food, go for food that aids weight loss and detoxifies body. Avoid snacking in between meals.

The Lifestyle:

Regular exercises keep the digestive fire active, stimulates metabolism and helps in long-term weight loss. If cold weather stops you from going for outdoor exercises, discover some indoor ones. There are various options to exercise while staying indoors.

Avoid daytime snoozing. It slows down metabolism and results in sluggish digestion.

The Herbs:

Taking herbal supplements that are specifically formulated for weight loss speeds up weight loss process. Various herbs like giloy, ajwain, daruhaldi, haritaki, pippal, nirgundi, punarnava boosts metabolism, fuels up digestion and induces weight loss. Red aloe and green coffee beans are potent fat burners. They convert fat stored in the body into energy.

Summing Up

While making proper diet and lifestyle changes, getting adequate sleep and staying hydrated is absolutely necessary in weight loss, taking proper herbal remedies help hasten up this process. They stabilize appetite, improves metabolism, strengthens digestion, and detoxifies gastrointestinal tract.

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